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Presented by the Connecticut Valley Mineral Club to Schools and other Massachusetts institutions.

See our NEW, In Color, second edition, guide book to: Significant Rocks and Minerals of Massachusetts


                                                                                                 "Significant Massachusetts Mineral"

Case's for Schools The Connecticut Valley Mineral Club endeavors to foster a sense of community as well as an enthusiastic exchange of knowledge and ideas centering around fossils, rocks, and minerals. Field study of mineralogical and geological features of the Connecticut Valley and its vicinity is encouraged, as is the search for new minerals. Knowledgeable club members provide help and instruction to beginning collectors in areas such as mineral collecting, specimen preparation, and lapidary skills, and the Club promotes a standard for responsible rock hunting.  These objectives are the heart and foundation of our active and growing Club. Families are welcome to join. Connecticut Valley Mineral Club meetings are held the first Wednesday of most months, September through June. For more about meeting location and membership

UMass Case Presentation

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Connecticut Valley Mineral Club presented UMass with a
"Significant Massachusetts Minerals Case"

 - by: Wayne Corwin - March 8, 2014

Left to Right: Elecia Bray, 4th Grade Teacher, Fred Wilda, President CVMC
And Jack Marcy, Education Committee Mineral Presentor
Mineral Case Presentation on June 10, 2014 by The CVMC to:
Hardwick Elementary School in Gilbertville, MA

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Hardwick School Case Presentation

Hardwick photo of presentation (Medium).jpg

Left to Right: Elecia Bray, 4th Grade Teacher, Fred Wilda, President CVMC
And Jack Marcy, Education Committee Mineral Presentor
Mineral Case Presentation on June 10, 2014 by The CVMC to:
Hardwick Elementary School in Gilbertville, MA

1940 CVMC Logo

oreginal CVMC logo

Eastern Federation of Mineral and Lapidary Societies

Eastern Federation

New CVMC Logo 2020

logo CVMC
American Federation

American Federation
of Mineral Societies

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