The Connecticut Valley Mineral Club was founded in 1940, with our first formal meeting March 7, 1941, and dedicated to the study, appreciation and preservation of rocks, minerals, fossils and all aspects of Earth Science. We pass on our love of minerals to people of all ages with a special focus on schools with lectures and hands on presentations to students. We recently began a new project with the Significant Minerals School Kit that features all the Massachusetts state earth symbols as well as other minerals that were important to the history of the State. This kit is donated to local schools each year. For more information about membership, click here.
Our meetings include occasional mineral presentations, general club business, and a room full of people willing to help you enjoy mineral collecting. In addition, we sponsor numerous field trips throughout the season, our annual Mineral, Jewelry and Fossil Show and most years a club picnic.
The CVMC takes a special interest in the preservation of local mineral sites and promotes good collecting habits within its membership as well as to individuals. We feel that the future of mineral collecting is our responsibility. Through good relations with land owners, education and ethical collecting habits we strive to keep our hobby alive and leave something behind for future generations of mineral enthusiasts to enjoy.
We are an informal and social group of all ages and back rounds with a common interest in the earth and its wondrous treasures . We welcome visitors and encourage membership and once you meet us you will realize that you are never too old to get out and get dirty, we look forward to meeting you!
We are Members of the Eastern Federation of Mineral and Lapidary Societies (EFMLS) and American Federation of Mineral Societies (AFMS).